
Maximum Overdrive
Starring Emilio Estevez

5:47 p.m.


This is the only movie both written by and directed by AC/DC. Wait, The music was done by AC/DC, and thw writting and directing was done by Stephen King. The plot involves a comet that's up to no good. The budget must have been incredible for this movie. Everything can, and does blow up. People getting attacked by a soda machine, makes any movie better. Stephen King's directing works well, and is helped by AC/DC's rockin' score. Though an occasionally slow pace hurts this movie, funny death scenes make up for it.

I give Maximum Overdrive 3 out of 4 stars.


It's funny when the gasoline squirts the guy in his face. Hey! this movie has Emilio Estevez. Rock on. A lot of people die in the movie. A LOT. Machines in this movie go out of control and start to take people out. That's no good. Trucks are cool. Killer trucks are hella cool. I haven't written much. You know what this world needs? more explosions. That would be great. I'll be eating now, so no more reviewing.

I give it 3.5 MRUs out of 5


We ran into a bit of the problem at the beginning of this movie. The VCR messed up at the end of the last movie, and we had to swap it out for a new one. I think we lost about 10 minutes, maybe 15. This movie is rad to the max. The best death scene is the one with the soda machine in it. The first truck-related is pretty cool. One guy gets shot 9 times, and the squibs look really cool. Emilio rules. The kid avenges his father's death by shooting up a drive-thru speaker.

Conclusion: This movie kicks ass. U.S.A. is stupid for trying to remake it.

4 out of 5 Quality Points
2 out of 10 Bratpack Points

Mat's Nugget of Wisdom

Greg:"Does Judd Nelson have a big part in Fast Times?"
Zack:"He has a supporting role."
[E.N. - this was later revealed to be false.]
Mat:"Yeah but, Judge Reinhold starred in it, and he's awesome."


I know this movie is going to be good, because at the beginning, a bank display reads "Fuck You" and a cash machine calls Stephen King an asshole. Cars and people are falling off of a raised bridge. This is awesome. A gasoline pump, an electric carving knife, a vending machine, and a steamroller go out of control, and it is awesome. Especially the vending machine that spits out sodas so fast, that they kill people. Mat wants to see Emilio's tits. He also wants to see Yeardley Smith's breasts.

I give it 4.5 out of 5

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