Look at us!

The Reviewers


HOBBIES:Reviewing movies, writing bad scripts, watching bad movies, biding his time, before he finally starts killing people. (Greg and I will probably be the first ones to go.)

ACHIEVEMENTS:Having a hair style that looks like a penis, and neglecting a website longer than I can ever hope to.

GENERAL INFO: Mat's movie review website was what started this all. He had a whole ten reviews on it, and left with out an update for almost two year, until I took it over, added about 40 reviews, and then left it alone for almost a year, until I moved it and Mat and I revived it. Though no one comes here yet. He's written about half of the reviews on this site.


HOBBIES:Reviewing movies, not completing web sites, watching Troma movies, trying too hard to be funny, spending too much money on comic books, and playing too much NES.

ACHIEVEMENTS:Having more free time than most people, while getting less done, survived extreme movie watching, beat the game Goonies 2, and calling "President of Movie Club" before Mat or Greg could. Being the "Movie Club Wrestling Champ".

GENERAL INFO: I am the web master, and have written, almost half of the reviews on this site. When this thing isn't updated, it's my fault. I was probably playing NES instead.



HOBBIES:Receiving spankings from homeless men, and watching Digimon.

ACHIEVEMENTS:Looking like Waldo, and surviving Extreme Movie Watching.

GENERAL INFO: Though he hasn't written reviews, (only five at the time of this writing) Greg has been a member of the movie watchers. He called "Vice President" shortly after I called "President of the Movie Club". He is currently in Virginia, going to school, but as soon as he return, we will begin planning for Extreme Movie Watching part 2: The Brat Pack.