
Bad Girls From Mars
Starring A bunch of people, I've never heard of

2:11 p.m.


After a wacky warning, we started on the boardgame: SolarQuest, a game that is not unlike Monopoly, but in space. A detective talks to a topless woman with cheesy sound effects. Oops, they were filming a porno. "Jack you're the only liquor a girl can trust." This movie has lots of topless scenes and quirky sound effects. It had some funny lines.

3 out of 4 stars
As for SolarQuest: Medium Rockitude


This movie rocks, the sounds effects especially. The acting is terrible, but funny. The nudity is extremely gratuitous. We are now playing the boardgame: SolarQuest. There sure is a lot of nudity. If you like seeing naked girls, I recommend this movie. This movie is much better than Red Dawn.

I give this movie 4 MRU's out of 5
Amount I hate the person who pick it: 0 out of 5

SolarQuest- Low level Rockitude for the game itself.
Enjoy level: High because Zack and I cheated.


The acting in this movie is hilarious. There's an over abundance of topless women. SolarQuest is a decent boardgame.
Red Dawn was terrible.
This movie has a whole lot of nudity.

3.5 out of 5 Quality Points
0 out of 10 hatred to person points.

Mat's Nugget of Wisdom

Zack:"Do you know anyone with a monkey?"
Mat: "George Romero has a monkey."
Zack: "Dammit, you don't know George Romero!"


I am glad I picked this movie. Great sound effects, gratuitous nudity.......no, just kidding. What does Mars have to do with this movie? they should have called it Naked Girls from Earth.

"Do I look like an idiot?"
"I don't know, I can't see your face."

The homicide detective = cool. My favorite scene is where the porn star gets turned on by garbage. Well, Greg cheated at SolarQuest. what a shocker.

Solarquest: Medium Rockitude
Bad Girls from Mars: 4.5 out of 5 Hogans

"There is no room on Mars for Limp Dicks."

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