
Sixteen Candles
Starring Molly Ringwald, and Anthony Micheal Hall

12:56 p.m.


Molly Ringwald's sister is getting married. In this flick, She has a flat chest. Maybe her breasts were taped down, like Carrie Fisher's in Star Wars. She fills out a survey about who she has had sex with. The test is way too personal. So far, other than a funny asian guy and AMH, the movie's been slow. The dance works only for AMH - this movie should have been only about him. Sort of like a solo "Revenge of the Nerd". These movies start to suck, when they cut to the older siblings, or parents, because those scenes aren't very funny. John Hughes's directing has improved, in this movie, resulting in more laughs, and improved comedic timing. The overall pace is better, although the plot isn't really creative like Weird Science. The ending lasts way too long. This time it's a good thing, because of the needless scenes involving AMH in a "License to Drive"-esque escapades.
I give it 3 1/2 out of 4.


The bus scene is really cool. Anthony Micheal Hall rules. Every body forgets Molly's birthday. Molly is sad. AMH likes her. She likes a senior. AMH is really forward. He's really cool. This music in this movie rocks. Jake's girlfriend is pretty hot. For some reason, he wants to dump her for Molly Ringwald. Ah well, She's not as cool as Molly Ringwald. She's a jerk. Molly's where it's at. Mat is not cool, he made fun of John Hughes.

Conclusion: This movie was awesome, funny, good, and all that jazz. Loved it.

Rating: 5 movie rating units (MRU's) out of 5


Long Duck Dong is pretty cool. Farmer Ted is funny. Poor Molly Ringwald. Anthony Micheal Hall hopes to acheive Rob Lowe's ladie's man status. Molly Ringwald is quite the whiner. This movie rocks. Long Duck Dong and Farmer Ted are the best characters. Mat is a terrible director. John Hughes is amazing. Molly's brother is a bastard. Why does Mat keep refering to "Revenge of the Nerds"?

Conclusion: Hilarious, great characters.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Quality Points.
7 out of 10 Bratpack Points.

Mat's Nugget of Wisdom

Mat: "I'm going to be mad if you were kidding about there being a mutant biker gang in this movie,"


I've been told that this movie is excellent. The geeks are funny, and the shower scene is cool. Grandparents = frightening. Long Duck Dong is cool. I like how they play a gong whenever someone says his name. AMH: "Can I borrow your underpants for 10 minutes?" The older sister's husband = not a jackass. I wish Molly and Jake would get together. I should watch this movie with my friend Kate. Whoa, that was pretty random. Older sister = annoying, younger brother = annoying.

Conclusion: a solid 4 stars. Geeks rule.

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