
Friday the 13th : The Final Chapter
Starring Corey Feldman
and who ever played Jason.

12:32 p.m.


After ambulances and police cars arrive, Jason's body is seen in a barn. The paramedics load the body into an ambulance. Jason rises up and kills two nurses. Meanwhile, next to geeky [e.n. - I prefer the term "secretly cool".]Corey Feldman's house, some teens move in for vacation. He even sees some of the girl's "pairs of patoosies". Corey also has another hobby - video games and making masks. The teens get killed one by one -a knife through the chest, a spear-gun though the crotch. One nurse had his head twisted, the other got a knife. Hitch hiker had her throat slit, and another teen got the knife. One guy gets a cleaver, and a corkscrew. Another get thrown off a building. There's a knife through the back of a head. One is axed. The knife is used many times. Jason sure loves killing.

the plot is non-existant, the acting is awful, but the music is effective. Obviously, this isn't the final chapter.
2 out of 5


Having never seen a Friday the 13th movie, I am excited to see part 4. I am taken aback by the killer soundtrack. Plus, Corey Feldman is an incredible actor, even as a child. The Movie has an extremely original plot and very well-developed characters. The movie is a little bit too preachy on good morals. Surprisingly, the teens are killed one by one.

Conclusion: Not enough Feldman, but he steal whatever scene he is in. Not high cinema, but worth a viewing, I guess. Eh.Whatever.

Rating: 2.5 movie rating units (MRU's) out of 5
2.5 Feldman out of 5
Death Count: 13


Finally, a Corey Feldman movie. This is one of the standard Friday the 13th movies. Although there was not enough Feldman, I did enjoy the murder scenes. they were cool. The nudity was a plus.

Rating: 2 out of 5 on the Feldman scale

Mat Suckitude scale: 2 out of 10 (how much Mat sucked during this movie.)

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