
Starring Sean Astin, and Corey Feldman

10:12 p.m.


A cop chase. Corey Feldman speaking Spanish. One-eye Willy. Goonies. Sean Astin finds a map in his attic, causing major problems. It also has the asian kid from Temple of Doom with his inventions. This plot is very unique and [the movie] was edited by Micheal Kahn -award winning editor of Schindler's List. The Goonies find bats, a waterfall, and dynamite. Chunk get excited over icecream, but Ma Fratelli is evil. The plot slows down when it cuts to Troy, who's not vital to the plot. The Fratelli's are funny, touching, and devious. What other movies have pirate adventues, Sean Astin, Corey Feldman, and an award-winning editor?

4 out of 5


Featuring Sean Astin, Corey Feldman, and the kid from Temple of Doom, I don't see how this movie could be bad. Ah, after Gremlins, and absolutely perfect casting job of Corey Feldman. He plays the character who is tuff and can do just about anything. Astin also does an excellent job in getting in touch with his inner Feldman- it's like two Feldman's in one movie. Incredible.

However, Andrew[e.n.- Greg's brother who joined us for this movie.] sucks. I wish he would leave so that I could watch Goonies in peace.

Conclusion: Every one discovers their inner Feldman. Great movie for all ages of Corey Feldman fans.

Rating: 5 MRU's out of 5
8 Feldman's out of 5 (1 for each Goonie)
Andrew suckitude scale: 1 billion out of 10
Death Count: 2
Characters Annie romantically involved in: 3


Even without Corey Feldman, this movie would kick ass. With Feldman, it completely rocks total ass. It's hard for me to sya much about this movie, this I've seen it so many times, and I've already come to the understand that this movie rules. This is about every character embracing their inner Feldmans.

Greg is right. Andrew is annoying. Very Mat-esque. He lacks an inner Feldman.

Rating: 40 out of 5 on the Feldman scale
(50 points for every Goonie.)

7 out of 10 on the Mat suckitude scale.

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